Artist Statement
t.w.five is a collaboration duo made up of a Brazilian and a Swedish artist; both of us currently living in the US.
As a pair, we turn our ideas and thoughts into massive-sized installations that are made with carefully hand-cut vinyl (tape) that are placed onto panels, or directly onto windows, walls, ceilings and floors.
Our work most often investigates the impact of technology in society and also how it affects human behaviors and vice versa. It also addresses societal diversity, the “right” to be part of a given society, and subsequent exclusion by that society leading to alienation.
Our images are very direct and clear because we feel that doing so it will easily open up communication between art viewers everywhere and not to create confusion about what the viewers are seeing. Our wish is to connect with our viewers by making art that they can understand and talk about with others. We think that, by doing so, art will reach a range of unexpected minds and places.
While At Headlands
The nature of our art is very participatory and we love to see people engaged in our work and its process, which is something that does not happen where we have our studio. It would be a great experience for us to be at Headlands surrounded by other thinkers and art makers.
We are curious to see how our work might transform itself by going from a very noisy urban setting to a quiet idyllic surroundings where creativity is the main focus.
At the moment, we are exploring possibilities of making our work closer to a more 3D experience by adding carefully cut out panels to create multiple layers within our work and the surrounding environment. This feels like something new and exciting to us and at the Headlands we will be able to dedicate our time and see where will take us.