Nicole Lavelle
Artist Statement
I’m an artist and a graphic designer from California. My research-driven, place-based social practice yields visual narratives, experimental essays, and platforms for participation. I’m attracted to analog processes and vernacular media. I think the most perfect art works don’t identify themselves as art, but as community publications, inclusive spaces, found language, weekly routine, landscape studies, or accidental memoir.
While At Headlands
My studio functions as makeshift printshop and research library, my “home” version of the community institutions I work with while I’m not here.
I’m not a writer, necessarily, but while at Headlands, I’ll write. I’ll write about death and dying, and the tension-space between public and private experiences of impermanence. I’ll write about identity, orientation, and disorientation within the California landscape. I’ll write about natural disasters, emotions, and smart phones.
I’ll help some friends revive a slumbering small press. I’ll continue to run PLACE TALKS, the lecture series I co-coordinate at the Prelinger Library.
PLANT FAMILY VOL.5, Lyric essay digital video slideshow, 2016; eucalyptus, breast cancer, salt, water, Google Bus. 30 minutes.