Acorn Study 10 (blueprint), 2023, Colored pencil on diazo print, tape, 6 x 4 inches
Aspen Mays
Artist Statement
My photographic work poetically positions observation – particularly astronomical and meteorological observation – as containing deeply human, aesthetic and subjective experiences that are often mediated by cameras. Where does a scientific way of knowing our environment intersect with other ways of knowing, such as embodied experience?
While at Headlands
While at Headlands, I plan to execute monumental scale projects, including the photographic reproduction of California oak trees from three-dimensional scans. I am involved in a long-term research cohort engaging with the University of California Natural Reserve System, and my plans are connected to materials I have been gathering and processing for the past two years. My work is iterative in nature, and largely driven by process and experimentation, and I am explicitly interested in conditions where the time scales of photographic processes (instantaneous or nearly so) can collide with time at the scale of weather or geology. I am currently directly exploring site-specific works in rural settings, whose visibility is conditional to on-site environmental factors that change over time, a perfect fit for the Headlands.